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Week 32

Monday, July 6, 2009
This week the baby is starting to get ready to come out of the womb, crazy to think that huh?

She should be about four pounds and could be up to 19 inches long (but probably not since my belly isn't very big). She is working on practicing swallowing, breathing, kicking and sucking. I guess she has also been able to suck her thumb for a while now, who knows if she actually is.

At this point she is also continuing to accumulate fat on her little body, so her skin is becoming even less transparent and more opaque like ours is (probably not tan though!).

Instead of kicking I am feeling a lot more movement and some jabbing, she's running out of room to move around freely so this is pretty normal. She will hopefully be moving into a head down position with her little butt in my ribs soon as well. She might already be like that, I have no idea how people can tell the difference between the head and the butt. Whenever one of them sticks out I give it a little pat, just in case it is the butt, but not too hard in case it is the head! : )

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