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Just like at the Deli Counter

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I used to work in a grocery store, at the deli counter. I have had plenty of experience with the calling numbers method that is used at most locations.

It seems that this method may also soon find itself applicable with my family...

We have a suggestion from some family members, that when arriving at my parents' house on Christmas day, that each person would get a number. Then, every so often (timed period of course) a new number would be called. I am sure you wonder what would happen when this number is called, don't you?

The person with the number that is called will then be able to, for their allotted period of time...

hold Kate!

Ha, ha, ha! This funny idea definitely gave me a well-needed chuckle at work today!

As long as everyone plays fair, we shouldn't have to resort to these drastic measures.

Advice for the next grandchild to have a baby...

have multiples!

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