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Wednesday, May 5, 2010
It's been a while since I have posted, over a week. I know, I know, how could I ever neglect blogging to this extent. : ) Ha ha.

We had a nice relaxing week and weekend just hanging around the house. We went to John's parents' house on Saturday night and grilled out. For a while I thought we may have to change our eating arrangements because of the huge gale-force winds (exaggeration) that were blowing through the metro area. But fear not, Grandpa Jim was still able to grill up those cheddarwursts to perfection. And boy were they good! There's nothing like the first grilled cheddarwurst of the season, especially when it is paired with spicy mustard and tuna noodle ring salad! Yum!

On Sunday I talked (not really) John into traveling over to Albertville. It was windier there and of course Kate was under dressed. What great parents we are. But her Grandma blanket (the blue one that was made by Grandma Barb when I thought she would be a boy) was with and it kept her all snuggly and warm. Unfortunately I didn't get anything, can you imagine my pouting face? : ) John snagged a new pair of shoes from the Adidas outlet and his little pumpkin did too. She won't be able to wear them for a while but it is hard to pass up $10 Adidas with pink stripes...just so cute!

We started propping Kate up in the crawling position this week. She kind of sits there looking at something that she wants and then either dives or collapses before grabbing for it. We were both surprised that she kept herself on her knees at all. Before when trying this she wouldn't keep them straight, but would just sit froggy leg style on her belly instead. We know that she is getting closer and that we are helping her, but what we don't know is why we are doing it. When she is finally mobile I would bet a million dollars on the fact that we will wish she is immobile again!

We're looking forward to celebrating two birthdays in the next couple of weeks. Both Reese and Peyton turn one, which means that Kate is right behind them.

Crazy how the time flies, I can't wait to hang out with both of those little girls! Oh and their mom's too I guess. : )

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