I'm back again to spill my guts about all of the crazy, half-brained, last-minute, mix-ups that I encountered, and caused over these last two weeks.
To start it off, I didn't skip the "Not Me Monday" post last week becuase I couldn't remember anything that went awry the week before, there is always something that goes awry in the Taylor household.
I would never drive all the way to work, about 40 minutes, ignoring the fact that my cell phone was ringing, to finally call my husband back when at work to find out I took the carseat with me that morning. This would never serve as the perfect excuse to just take the day off...I never need those!
Staying on the cell phone topic, I would never neglect to check my phone for messages and miss a message from our daycare providor letting us know she would be closed the following day. This would not cause my husband to show up at the daycare mom's house only to find the door locked and everyone there still sleeping. And of course this would never lead to me begging Kate to "play quietly" until 11, at work, with me, so that I could get some stuff done before I, you guessed it, took another half day off.
Ah well, what good are kids for if not to get you out of working every once-in-a-while? : )
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