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As Big as Reese

Thursday, November 19, 2009
The other day as I was picking Kate up from her swing I stopped for a second and looked at her. I realized at that point that she is now as big as Reese was when she and her mom Heidi came to visit us in the hospital.

At that point I of course could not fathom that my small tiny peanut would ever be that big, or even bigger.

Once I realized that I just had to stop and smile, I really can't believe how much she is growing. It is amazing how much fun it is to be with her as she gets bigger and learns new things.

Then I thought of sweet Reesie Lou and decided it was about darn time to see her again, as well as Heidi of course!

I know I have mentioned this before, but it is such a wonderful gift to have two friends with daughters that are about three months older than Kate. As I watch both Reese and Peyton grow up, I get a little preview of what to expect with Kate.

And let me tell you, it only makes me more excited!

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