From week 29 to week 32, which is the seventh month of the pregnancy, the baby is about the size of a squash. Pretty unseasonal, I know, but it will have to do. : ) During this time she will range between 15.2 to 16.7 inches and weigh in around 2.5 to 3.8 pounds.
At this point she has tons of energy which is due to the fat deposits that are finally being stored underneath the skin. This month all five of her senses are finally functional, and her brain and nervous system are going through major developments.
Throughout the next 11 weeks of the pregnancy, the baby will more than double, maybe even come close to tripling her weight (hopefully she won't be too big!). This means instead of kicking, poking, and flipping, I will begin to feel her jabbing me with her knee or elbow instead.
I will work on getting the month seven belly picture up, and since there is supposed to be so much growing at this point of the pregnancy I will do my best to start posting them every two weeks instead of once a month.
1 comments to Week 29:
Just wait until you can see her moving around on the outside of your belly. Cooper's arms and legs used to move around and you can see it on the outside... Nate freaked out about it.
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