I don't have a fruit to compare the baby's size to this week but she is beginning to gain more weight. This is definately evident as I feel her kicking much more pronounced as the days go by.
Yesterday she kicked for an entire hour throughout the all-company meeting that I attended. It definately didn't make sitting still that long on an uncomfortable chair any easier! I wonder if it was because she really likes or really hates meetings? : )
I ordered the bedding the other day, I ended up settling on a similar but cheaper bedding that we could purchase with gift cards that we had saved up from Target. It looks cute online so I hope it is as good in person.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Would it be tacky to add these books to the baby registry? : )
Ha, ha, just kidding! But I have developed an addiction...worse even than Harry Potter!
Ha, ha, just kidding! But I have developed an addiction...worse even than Harry Potter!
Pictures of Baby Kate
Here are some of the ultrasound pictures from week 20 when we found out that we were having a baby Kate and not a baby Jack!
This is a side picture of her, it is amazing how much of her profile you can see compared to the shots earlier in the pregnancy.
I decided against posting the picture that has an arrow pointing towards her "girl" parts. When she gets older I am sure she will appreciate my ability to hold back! : )
This is a picture of her from the top, you can see the top of her head and her knees, shins, etc. I think that this is a popular position for her so that she can shove me with both feet at the same time! : ) Is it my imagination or do her legs already look long?!

Spring Vacation 2009 Photos
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I finally remembered to put together some of the photos from our vaction back in march to Hilton Head, SC. Enjoy!
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Ankle Pictures
Friday, April 24, 2009
There was nothing special to report last night, I will have to wait until after sewing all day tomorrow to post the much anticipated pictures of the full-blown elephant foot!
Week 22 and Month Five
During month five, which covers weeks 21-24 the baby grows to about the size of a papaya. Yesterday out at the farmer's market I held up a papaya to my belly in front of some friends. I think we all agreed that it is pretty crazy that the baby is getting that big already!
At this point our baby is able to hear outside noise from inside the womb. I guess that babies find gentle music and parent's voices the most soothing. I wonder what she will think of beagle barking/howling? : )
The baby's nipples are starting to form at this point, hopefully only two (there's no need for a Chandler from Friends repeat here). Her face at this point is also fully formed which is pretty cool!
She is sleeping for about 12 to 14 hours a day and has begun to settle into sleep cycles. I can definitely tell you when her exercise cycle sets in - every night at dinner she starts kicking like she's a little rockette! : )

Elephant Foot Proof
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A co-worker told me about this online radio website that I instantly fell in love with!
You type in artists that you like and it custom creates a playlist for you. Then you rate each song and it uses that information to continue your playlist. It's pretty awesome and definitely worth checking out. I think that it is perfect for work, but if you have a laptop that you could hook up to your speakers at home and wi-fi you could use it at home as well. The best part, no commercials!!!
You type in artists that you like and it custom creates a playlist for you. Then you rate each song and it uses that information to continue your playlist. It's pretty awesome and definitely worth checking out. I think that it is perfect for work, but if you have a laptop that you could hook up to your speakers at home and wi-fi you could use it at home as well. The best part, no commercials!!!
Good Ol' Elephant Foot
My husband said to our dogs on Sunday night, "watch out, here comes elephant foot!"
I had spend the past three hours sitting up and leaning forward at the kitchen table sewing baby bibs. When I got up to grab a snack and head over to the couch I noticed that the skin on one foot felt extremely tight. My left foot, only, had swollen up to be a ginormous elephant cankle! It was gross and very alarming!
By Monday morning that swelling had gone down but by lunch time was starting back up again. This caused me to make my first nurse call into the clinic. The nurse assured me that this is normal and unfortunately, "would only get worse."
So now I have pushed my chair down so that I am practically sitting on the ground and have confiscated a foot rest from an empty cube in the office. I have also vowed to finally decrease my caffeine intake and up the water intake. Another thing that will supposedly help is to keep moving throughout the day, so that means I need to make a conscious effort to get my butt out of my chair at least every hour and walk around for a couple of minutes.
These things helped yesterday as my ankle/foot only swelled to about half the size as on Sunday and Monday nights, but this morning I can feel it puffing up already. I may have to add another vow due to this...I vow to not wear shorts, capri's, skirts, or any type of clothing that would bare my ankles until this pregnancy is over! It would definitely be a public service that everyone around me would appreciate, but never ask for! : )
P.s. If it is good a swollen tonight I will post a picture...though you probably do not want to see it!
I had spend the past three hours sitting up and leaning forward at the kitchen table sewing baby bibs. When I got up to grab a snack and head over to the couch I noticed that the skin on one foot felt extremely tight. My left foot, only, had swollen up to be a ginormous elephant cankle! It was gross and very alarming!
By Monday morning that swelling had gone down but by lunch time was starting back up again. This caused me to make my first nurse call into the clinic. The nurse assured me that this is normal and unfortunately, "would only get worse."
So now I have pushed my chair down so that I am practically sitting on the ground and have confiscated a foot rest from an empty cube in the office. I have also vowed to finally decrease my caffeine intake and up the water intake. Another thing that will supposedly help is to keep moving throughout the day, so that means I need to make a conscious effort to get my butt out of my chair at least every hour and walk around for a couple of minutes.
These things helped yesterday as my ankle/foot only swelled to about half the size as on Sunday and Monday nights, but this morning I can feel it puffing up already. I may have to add another vow due to this...I vow to not wear shorts, capri's, skirts, or any type of clothing that would bare my ankles until this pregnancy is over! It would definitely be a public service that everyone around me would appreciate, but never ask for! : )
P.s. If it is good a swollen tonight I will post a picture...though you probably do not want to see it!
Week 21
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So the answer to the age old question of "Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" is yep it sure is a banana!
While the baby is in my belly she is gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid (yum). This increases her hydration, nutrition, and helps to practice for future swallowing and digestion. I guess that what I eat changes the composition of the amniotic fluid, and since the baby's tastebuds actually work at this point, studies have found that babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through the amniotic fluid.
I hope this means it will still be okay to eat onions, garlic, mushrooms, olives, banana peppers and jalapenos while breastfeeding. Imagine how boring my food would be without those ingredients!
What I Did This Weekend
Monday, April 20, 2009
One of the things that took up some of my time this weekend was going to a baby shower for my friend Heidi. It was really fun to see all that baby stuff...in pink!

So that got me in the baby mode and I decided to try my hand at making some baby bibs. It seems to me that all the ones I like in the stores are like $10 or more each, which is crazy! So I put a picture below of the ones I have made so far and then some pictures of the fabric I have to make more. It turned out to be pretty easy once I got the hang of it. : )
They are 100% cotton on one side (the side showing) which is the fashion side and then they are terry cloth on the other side which is the function side.

We Were Definately Rocked
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Last night's trip to the Dive Bar was a partial success. John's friends didn't win first but came in at a super close second (winning a wii). I think that they are going to Vegas anyways soon, and even though it isn't for free I am sure that they will have a blast!
Baby Bedding
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I am having some trouble deciding which of the two following bedding sets we should go with for the nursery. They are both gender neutral, so we can use them again if needed. Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Our Baby's First Time at the Bar
Tonight John and I are making a pit stop in Maplewood on the way home at the Dive Bar. I know, why would I ever want to go to the Dive Bar? Well, a couple of John's good friends are in a Rockband contest that is being held there and put on by KDWB. I believe that if they win they will win a trip to Vegas. I am still trying to figure out if it would be worth it, but John assures me that it is. : )
Anyways, here is a link to their top rated You Tube video, and yes they will be dressing up as Kiss tonight.
If anyone is interested in watching video game playing brought to "the next level" swing on by the Dive Bar in Maplewood at 7pm tonight.
Anyways, here is a link to their top rated You Tube video, and yes they will be dressing up as Kiss tonight.
If anyone is interested in watching video game playing brought to "the next level" swing on by the Dive Bar in Maplewood at 7pm tonight.
Week 20
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

At this point the baby's uterus is fully formed and her ovaries hold about seven million primitive eggs. Crazy that the eggs which may turn into her future babies are already developed inside of her right now.
She still has a lot of room to move around inside my belly, but I am starting to feel her acrobatics. It feels kind of like butterflies with a combination of gas or food moving around, weird yet true. : )
Baby Showers
Monday, April 13, 2009
I have two friends that are both expecting baby girls in a couple of months. Due to these impending arrivals I also have two baby showers coming up to attend. Today I put together the gifts in the appropriately themed baby gift bags. I just have to comment that I am starting to get used to the pastel baby colors and am getting excited about them, never thought that would happen.
I almost want to jump in the car right now to deliver the gifts because it excites me too much. If John was here right now he would definitely shake his head and tell me to "calm down" or take a pill. : ) Oh well, I guess I will have to wait!
I almost want to jump in the car right now to deliver the gifts because it excites me too much. If John was here right now he would definitely shake his head and tell me to "calm down" or take a pill. : ) Oh well, I guess I will have to wait!
Ever since I have gotten pregnant I have been a fruit addict, yes admittance is definitely the first step. : )
Anyways, we had Easter dinner at my aunt and uncle's on Sunday and I tried a new salad recipe out on my unsuspecting family. It was a huge hit! Not to sound crazy, especially since it wasn't my recipe, I couldn't get enough of it!
So in case anyone wants to try this amazing, total scrumptious salad, here's the recipe (courtesy of allrecipes.com).
Roquefort Pear Salad
1 head leaf lettuce, torn into bite-size pieces
3 pears - peeled, cored and chopped
5 ounces Roquefort cheese, crumbled (Gorgonzola works great too and is cheaper)
1 avocado - peeled, pitted, and diced
1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions
1/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup pecans
1/3 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons prepared mustard
1 clove garlic, chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
fresh ground black pepper to taste
In a skillet over medium heat, stir 1/4 cup of sugar together with the pecans. Continue stirring gently until sugar has melted and caramelized the pecans. Carefully transfer nuts onto waxed paper. Allow to cool, and break into pieces.
For the dressing, blend oil, vinegar, 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar, mustard, chopped garlic, salt, and pepper.
In a large serving bowl, layer lettuce, pears, blue cheese, avocado, and green onions. Pour dressing over salad, sprinkle with pecans, and serve.
Anyways, we had Easter dinner at my aunt and uncle's on Sunday and I tried a new salad recipe out on my unsuspecting family. It was a huge hit! Not to sound crazy, especially since it wasn't my recipe, I couldn't get enough of it!
So in case anyone wants to try this amazing, total scrumptious salad, here's the recipe (courtesy of allrecipes.com).
Roquefort Pear Salad
1 head leaf lettuce, torn into bite-size pieces
3 pears - peeled, cored and chopped
5 ounces Roquefort cheese, crumbled (Gorgonzola works great too and is cheaper)
1 avocado - peeled, pitted, and diced
1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions
1/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup pecans
1/3 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons prepared mustard
1 clove garlic, chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
fresh ground black pepper to taste
In a skillet over medium heat, stir 1/4 cup of sugar together with the pecans. Continue stirring gently until sugar has melted and caramelized the pecans. Carefully transfer nuts onto waxed paper. Allow to cool, and break into pieces.
For the dressing, blend oil, vinegar, 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar, mustard, chopped garlic, salt, and pepper.
In a large serving bowl, layer lettuce, pears, blue cheese, avocado, and green onions. Pour dressing over salad, sprinkle with pecans, and serve.
A Grandpa Who Doesn't Want to Know
Friday, April 10, 2009
So for some odd reason, probably just to be a pain in the butt, my dad has decided that he does not want to know beforehand what sex the baby is. So, if anyone who reads this does ever see my crazy dad, make sure not to spill the beans!
Though I do believe I may have done just that last night, I am the worst with secrets. When I was on the phone with him Nora, the beagle, decided that she wanted to try on the pink dress in the picture below. Go figure I scolded her saying, "Nora, put that dress down it is not for you." Maybe he wasn't paying attention? : ) He will probably pretend he didn't even hear it.
Though I do believe I may have done just that last night, I am the worst with secrets. When I was on the phone with him Nora, the beagle, decided that she wanted to try on the pink dress in the picture below. Go figure I scolded her saying, "Nora, put that dress down it is not for you." Maybe he wasn't paying attention? : ) He will probably pretend he didn't even hear it.
Baby needs a middle name
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Hi, this is John and we need your assistance choosing a middle name for baby Katherine. Our child's future chance of not being bullied is in your hands. Do not let us down!
It's a...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
PS. Tomorrow is the day we hopefully find out if my house will look like a Pepto Bismol palace or not! We both can't wait!
Hilarious Onesies!
There is a baby boutique store over in Northeast Minneapolis called Pacifier. They have a lot of interesting/trendy baby items which are pretty cool. By far my favorite things in the entire store are these "instructions" onesies that are created by Wry Baby. If I could bring myself to pay that much for a onesie I would definitely get these for all of my friends having babies!

Fire in Columbus
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Most people have heard about the multiple fires set around the North Metro area yesterday. The largest one was in Columbus in the Carlos Avery Wildlife Park Reserve.
Just in case anyone was watching channel five news last night around 10pm, that crazy looking gray haired guy talking about the investigation was definitely my dad. I tried to find a link to online video this morning but it seems they have all been updated now that they have a suspect.
Just in case anyone was watching channel five news last night around 10pm, that crazy looking gray haired guy talking about the investigation was definitely my dad. I tried to find a link to online video this morning but it seems they have all been updated now that they have a suspect.
Save Money on Groceries
There was a great article on StarTribune.com this morning about two local organizations that put together food packages for discounted prices. These packages are not any form of welfare, but are just a good way to save money in a tight economy. Anyone is eligible to purchase the food packs, and there is no sign-up or registration. On average, by purchasing one of these food packs a consumer can save 50% from the regular grocery store prices.
There are a few different types of packages including a basic box, meat box, light box, vegetarian box, etc. I haven't taken a look at it in person yet, but to me it sounds like it would be worth it. For more information here are the links to both of the organizations, who have multiple pick-up locations around the metro area.
Fare For All Express:
Angel Food Ministries:
Star Tribune Article:
There are a few different types of packages including a basic box, meat box, light box, vegetarian box, etc. I haven't taken a look at it in person yet, but to me it sounds like it would be worth it. For more information here are the links to both of the organizations, who have multiple pick-up locations around the metro area.
Fare For All Express:
Angel Food Ministries:
Star Tribune Article:
Monday, April 6, 2009
This weekend we finally finished painting the main level of our house!
When we first moved into the house it was a new build which was perfect, but the walls were painted with matte finish paint. Unfortunately matte finish cannot be washed. Soon after we moved in we had a housewarming party and adopted two puppies. Though the walls looked great from the get go, they soon were all smudged up.
About a month ago we painted our kitchen, which always takes more time because of all of the taping around the nooks and crannies. On Thursday night though I decided that last weekend was when we would finish the rest. I had already bought the paint, so early on Saturday morning (I always wake up early) I got to work.
By the time that John woke up I had the dining room done and by dinner I had the entire hall done. Before leaving for his fantasy baseball draft John helped me to paint one of the main walls in the living room (we weren't sure if the color was too dark).
Eventually I wore myself out which spurred a White Castle/Taco Bell visit around 9pm (quite a late dinner). Then after lunch with friends on Sunday, John and I worked our butts off and finally finished, clean-up and all by dinner.
It looks great, but now I can't wait to finish the rest of the house!
When we first moved into the house it was a new build which was perfect, but the walls were painted with matte finish paint. Unfortunately matte finish cannot be washed. Soon after we moved in we had a housewarming party and adopted two puppies. Though the walls looked great from the get go, they soon were all smudged up.
About a month ago we painted our kitchen, which always takes more time because of all of the taping around the nooks and crannies. On Thursday night though I decided that last weekend was when we would finish the rest. I had already bought the paint, so early on Saturday morning (I always wake up early) I got to work.
By the time that John woke up I had the dining room done and by dinner I had the entire hall done. Before leaving for his fantasy baseball draft John helped me to paint one of the main walls in the living room (we weren't sure if the color was too dark).
Eventually I wore myself out which spurred a White Castle/Taco Bell visit around 9pm (quite a late dinner). Then after lunch with friends on Sunday, John and I worked our butts off and finally finished, clean-up and all by dinner.
It looks great, but now I can't wait to finish the rest of the house!
Old Wives' Tale #5
Friday, April 3, 2009
There is a three part quiz to take at: http://www.babygenderprediction.com/old-wives-tales/index.phtml that helps to predict the baby's sex through the use of many old wives' tales. This quiz asks about the changes that I am noticing in my body as well as some questions about the fetus (heartbeat, positioning, etc.). These were the results throughout all three stages of the quiz:
Section #2:
So this chalks another one up on the boy side, I guess it won't be too long until we find out if it is right!

Section #1:

Week 19

During this week there is a greasy white substance that is beginning to coat the baby's skin. This shields it from its long vacation sitting inside the amniotic fluid. Just think of how you would look after taking a nine-month bath, gross. Obviously some sort of skin protection is needed. This coating is called the Vernix Caseosa and is sometimes still visible on the baby at birth (thank goodness it cleans off!).
Baby Room Furniture
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Last night we were all ready to purchase our crib and dresser for the baby's nursery. We found a matching set at Target.com that had great reviews and was very reasonably priced. Once we had both items into our online shopping cart we were shocked at the amount we would be charged for shipping, $250.00. That put a halt to our purchasing, especially since that was a higher cost than either of the two pieces of furniture.

After more research online we were able to find a set that we like even more at JCPenny.com. At JCPenny they let you ship it to one of their store locations for free and then just pick it up. This is definitely the option we have decided on and are very excited about it. I have scavenged over $200 worth of gift cards from my company and luckily enough JCPenny is one of the merchants that I can redeem them for, this definitely eases our furniture financial burden!
We do still have to put the furniture together though, which we have done before, so wish us luck!

Week 18
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Well as week 18 draws to a close I just realized I never posted what was going on in this week. During week 18 the baby is about the size of a sweet potato. This week the baby has been pretty busy yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing.
I have felt some movement in there but nothing defined, just enough to know that there really is something in there doing who knows what! : ) I am so excited for next week to find out if it is a girl or a boy!

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