I am also a planner, but John is not. This gives me free reign to plan whatever I see that I feel needs planning, and then he decides later whether or not to follow the plan. : ) It is a system we have figured out that seems to work well for us!
Anyways I have put together some pros and cons about finding out the sex and not finding out the sex:
Benefits of finding out:
- You are supposed to feel a deeper bond when you know the sex and can mentally picture a little boy or girl.
- You can prepare an older sibling for the arrival of a new little brother or sister (not an issue for us).
- You can narrow down your list of baby names.
- You can pick out a gender-specific nursery theme or baby clothes, if you want to (the amount of unisex clothes out there is = not a lot).
Benefits of waiting:
- John and I will have a surprise on the day I give birth (again, not a huge fan of surprises).
- The desire to know whether the baby is a boy or girl might motivate you during the toughest parts of labor.
- There will be no mistakes - what you see is what you get!
At the end of all of this I think that we will be just as surprised and excited at 5 months finding out the sex as we would at the birth of the baby.
We are definately finding out, and cannot wait!
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