Kate's first ice cream cone
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
We celebrated Peyton's second birthday today and went to DQ. The girls were both covered and sticky by the time that we left. But they sure were happy!

We're Back (with the help of a little additional technology)!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
After a very long period of time spent away from blogging, I am back!
To get everyone up to speed I will let you know some of the things we have been up to over the last half year.
Kate is groing like crazy and has turned into an amazing mimick (in a good way). Most of the time she will try her best to repeat what we say to her and has begun to even sing parts of songs on the radio. I guess this means we will have to be extra careful of what we say around her now! She loves to ride her new bike to the park. She can not get enough of books, blocks, dolls, stuffed animals, pretty ponies, coloring, sesame street and Dora.
She's a handful but we are having a blast!
John and I are both doing great. We are gearing up for wedding season (five this year) and are super excited for are friends that are beginning to grow their families.
We went to breakfast this morning with my mom, my sister and her husband, so yummy!
We also just got smart phones, which leaves me no excuse not to start blogging again!
I hope that everyone is having as much fun in their busy lives as we are, and it is great to be back!

Talking About Talent
Monday, August 30, 2010
And of course, whenever I make such heavily weighted statements as the one above, I must back the statement up with physical proof. What would be more proof than the wonderful pictures she took of Kate, these are only a few (by a few I mean a ton) of the wonderful shots she was able to capture that day.
I would very highly recommend Sarah Belle Photography to any of my family, friends, or basically anyone out there. You can contact her through her blog or contact me and I can put you in touch with her.
From these pictures you would never know that Kate was at her crabbiest on this day, and the shots are still perfect!

Sleeping Babies
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
When Kate was first born this is something I did not do, mostly because I just couldn't help myself. I did have some rationale behind picking Kate up and cuddling her when she was sleeping. I figured since she was such a good sleeper, and slept all the time, a couple minutes of extra cuddle time here or there wouldn't hurt too much.
If she is reading this, my friend Heidi is laughing. When she found out I pick Kate up when sleeping she is the one who spoke this quote above to me while shaking her head. : )
Now that Kate is a year old, we couldn't have been luckier parents with her ability to sleep so peacefully throughout the night. But now I worry if we are about to change all of that.
At one year there is an abundance of things that "they" tell you to do or to stop doing. Some of these things that we have done, or are in the process of doing are:
- switching from bottle to cup (this was not a hard transition for Kate, especially now that she can drink from a straw)
- switching from formula to milk (this change did take Kate a couple of days to get used to, she wasn't too wild about whole milk at first, but now can't seem to get enough of the stuff)
- switching from pureed food to all solids (this happened on its own, with Kate being more interested in solids than mush, do you blame her?)
That leaves us with our final major change...taking away the pacifier.
I know that these are suggestions and do not need to be done at one year, but should be done in the way that best suits your individual child. Knowing me though, I figure...why not try?
Kate usually only has her pacifier when she is sleeping or on long car rides, other than that she rarely ever has it in her mouth (unless she finds it while playing and plops it in there).
Last night, John put her to bed without the pacifier for the first time...and she went right to sleep. I know that this may not be the end of this battle, but it sure strengthens our decision that she probably doesn't need it to fall asleep any more.
I guess we'll see!